I love using music in French class! It’s such a fun way to help students learn everyday expressions, gain cultural perspectives, and improve their French listening skills. Music is an excellent way to teach French students new words and help improve their pronunciation skills. An extra bonus? It helps to make lessons fun and engaging! […]
Search Results for: music
French music we love!
Music in French class is so much fun! Want to find some fun, new French music to play for your students? Keep reading to find a playlist of French songs to play in class! I’ve been teaching for 12 years now, and I have to admit that I am not always fun. Or interesting. Sometimes, […]
5 Fun Songs with French ER verbs that Students Will Love!
It’s no secret that I love using music in French class as a way to help students see vocabulary and verbs in context. These songs with French ER verbs are perfect for a variety of levels, because some contain more-advanced structures and vocabulary while others are pretty repetitive with only common verbs used throughout. Just […]
Brain Breaks in French Class: Fun Ways to Boost Learning
Brain Breaks in French class are so important! Why? Learning a new language can be SO mentally taxing. Whether we’re teaching immersion or core French, we are asking students to think (or try to) in another language. Combine that with nervousness about speaking, pronunciation struggles, and don’t forget grammar, and students can get overwhelmed pretty […]
9 Great Songs in French for Your Secondary French Classes!
Looking for new songs in French to play with your secondary French classes? Look no further! I’ve got a new list of French songs I love that I hope your students will love, too! T’es partie – GIMS I absolutely love his music, but this song is one of my favorites! The melody is beautiful […]
7 Fun Passé Composé Songs for French Class
Need some passé composé songs to help your French students with conjugation and meaning of this important tense? Music is an amazing way to make grammar more meaningful for our students! I use French songs in class ALL the time with these fun French music activities to get students engaged! As with any French songs […]
Easy Ways to Promote French Language Learning Outside the Classroom
Want your students to practice their French language skills outside the classroom? Let’s face it : Learning a new language can be so much fun, but unless students are learning in an immersion setting, they are going to need a lot of practice outside of your classroom! It’s part of the ACTFL standards, so if […]
7 Fun French Winter Songs for Core and Immersion
Looking for some French winter songs to play with your core French or French immersion class? You won’t want to miss this list of these chansons pour l’hiver to help your French students learn or review French winter vocabulary. They are perfect for a stand-alone lesson or as a way to support French winter-themed lessons. […]
6 Great French Songs for la Rentrée
Looking for some new French songs for la rentrée ? If you’ve been following along for any period of time, then you know that I love using French songs as as way to teach vocabulary, verbs, and to start off conversations with my more-advanced French students. If you’re looking to use more French songs in […]
5 Easy Ways to Use Comprehensible Input in Your French Class
One of the biggest challenges for language teachers is to get their students speaking and understanding the language, particularly in the early stages. While there are various methods for teaching a new language, the use of comprehensible input has been found to be particularly effective. What is comprehensible input? Comprehensible input is any language that […]