Looking for some new French Youtube channels to help your core French or French immersion students? Youtube is an amazing place to find French music, cultural information, or helpful vocabulary introductions.
Here are some of my favorite French Youtube channels. I would not recommend sending students to the pages on their own, because although I have not seen any inappropriate content, I think it’s always a really good idea to view anything students will watch first!
My Favorite French Youtube Channels
This is one of my favorite French Youtube channels to find videos about French pop culture. There are a lot interviews, and many of the videos have subtitles, so you can use them with beginners, too. This is a really fun way to learn about pop culture, and if you need materials to teach the foreign language culture standards, this is a great place to look!
Comme une Française
I really like this for French beginners to help them learn French culture, but there are so many videos that you can definitely find something for students who have had several years of French, too. She makes videos about aspects of French culture and also language, so it’s a great place to go if you want to help students pick up some new expressions and learn about French culture. This is one of my favorite French Youtube channels for cultural information!
Parole de chat
These are funny videos with voice overs for cats. It’s a fun way to listen to some French, and I’m such a cat lover that I really can watch these just for fun. Many indoor recesses were spent watching these cat videos! I’m a cat-lover, meaning this is one of the French Youtube channels I can’t get enough of!
Monsieur Steve
If you teach younger students, then you probably are already watching Monsieur Steve! He’s a French immersion teacher from Toronto who makes educational videos for beginners. You’ll find field trips, grammar videos, vocabulary lessons, and more.
RFI (Radio France Internationale)
This page is great for practicing listening comprehension for advanced students. If you’re teaching advanced French or older immersion classes, you really will want to check this out! I love this page, because it has TONS of news clips concerning countries from all over, so your students will not just be practicing French listening skills, but they’ll be getting current events from around the world.
Even better? There are reports from many different francophone countries, so you can find a wide variety of accents for students to listen to.
This YouTuber is from Burkina Faso, but she now lives in Canada. She does a lot of videos on immigration, living in Canada, and her experience. She also has interviews with different students and professionals, so it’s a good way to look at some career vocabulary.
Camille D
Camille is from Montréal, and a lot of her videos talk about life there. She also makes videos of her trips around Canada, so if you teach Canadian geography or want some to practice some listening while working on your francophone culture standards, you might find something helpful here.
Travels by Dr. E
This page features videos made by a French family living in Canada. The videos discuss life in Canada, moving across the Atlantic, and the differences in daily life when you’re an expatriate. It’s a great watch for any French classroom, because no matter where we live, most of us know people who have moved from another country. It’s a helpful insight into what it’s like to be living in a different culture.
I hope you find some great French Youtube channels you can use with your French class!
Looking for French music to listen to in class? Try these French songs that I’m loving right now or these French songs teens love!
Mme Marianne says
Merci beaucoup pour ces idées géniales
Ashley says
Avec plaisir ! 🙂
Melisa Salvato says
Hi Ashley,
How do I sign up for your newsletter?
Thanks a bunch,
Ashley says
Hi Melisa!
The sign-up at the top of my main page is missing! Thanks for letting me know!
You can also sign up at this page here: