Teaching the French futur simple is probably my favorite unit of all. The grammar is a little easier for kids to understand, and we love to play fun games in class. Plus, it’s so much fun to talk about the future! Kids imagine what their lives will be like, and that is always a ton of fun.
When teaching the futur simple, it’s really important to provide structured activities that provide a lot of open-ended responses. Yes, it’s important to know how to conjugate verbs, but it’s really important to provide students with the opportunity to say what they actually want to say, too.
Here are some resources I like to use when teaching the futur simple.
Speaking cards
Speaking activities are just a must in the French classroom, and these speaking cards are a lot of fun! They are a versatile way to get students up and moving, and they can be used as a structured activity or as a time-filler. When I’m teaching the futur simple, I definitely incorporate a lot of speaking activities into our class, and these cards are my absolute favorite!
There is a master list of all the questions, so anytime I have a few extra minutes at the end of the class, I can grab this list and ask a few questions from the list. When I’m exhausted from a long day of teaching, it’s a big help to have something ready-to-go!
Find these futur simple speaking prompts at TpT here.
Even older kids need movement. Games like Scoot! make reviewing grammar just a little more fun. How it works:
Cut out the task cards and tape them on the corners of student desks. Give students an answer sheet and have them move from desk to desk at certain time intervals when you tell them to Scoot! I often give them 30 seconds, but you can choose any interval you want.
Click here to find this Scoot game at TpT.
Board games
I love using board games in my French class to practice vocabulary and verb conjugation. I especially like these games for teaching the futur simple, because they allow students to work at their own pace and play together. You can add challenges, like requiring complete sentences or even requiring a certain number of words per sentence.
Click here to find the futur simple board game at TpT.
Of course, a unit on the futur simple needs structured writing activities, and you can find those in my futur simple packet. There’s a corresponding PowerPoint presentation that is great for presenting the grammar in class, too.
Find the packet here.
Find the PowerPoint here.
Interested in a complete unit for teaching the futur simple? I’ve got a unit bundle that includes all of the above resources plus Boom Cards and a final project.
Find the unit bundle here.
Happy Teaching!
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