Are you still teaching? Do you teach summer school? How about a free French summer activity to get students writing? This French freebie will help your students practice their French vocabulary and verbs and save you time when you need a quick and quiet activity!
If you’ve still got students, you’ll want to get this French summer activity for beginners for FREE at my TpT store. It’s the perfect time-saver for a busy end of the year. Use it at your French learning centers, for fast finishers, or for a sub folder. It’s also the perfect way to get students excited about their summer activities as you help them add to their French summer vocabulary lists.
Students complete basic sentences using common present tense French verbs to help them review vocabulary, work on sentence structure, and write about themselves. Use the optional drawing page to have them illustrate what they like to do in summer and then write about it. This French summer activity is versatile and requires no prep from you!

Grab this free French summer activity here!
This is perfect for beginning French and young immersion students or any group that can use a quick review of basic verbs and vocabulary. I love short activities like this, because they are accessible to all students.
You can easily make it more fulfilling for more advanced students by asking them to use new vocabulary words they aren’t already familiar with in their sentences and add those words to a personal dictionary.
Students who need some extra practice will review past terms as they complete the sentences and the students who have mastered what you’ve already taught will pick up a few new words along the way.
Want to extend it into a French summer activity for speaking? Here are some ideas:
1. Students work with a partner to shares their ideas.
2. Make 5 columns on your board and ask for volunteers to write their answers. Make sure they write their names next to their answers. Then, have students work in partners to tell one another what other people are doing (using il/elle now) and whether that is something they are doing (or like to do).
Example : Paul va à la piscine. Je vais à la piscine. Je n’aime pas aller à la piscine.
3. Poll students with general questions like “Qui va voyager ?” Notice that this question isn’t on the sheet. It will encourage students to use vocabulary that is associated with the words on their sheets. When students raise their hands, you can ask questions such as “Où vas-tu?”.
You don’t need to stick with the five verbs on the sheet, although beginners will have answers ready for those, so you might use those as a starting point and extend the questioning with other questions such as “Avec qui est-ce que tu voyages?” or “Est-ce que tu y vas souvent ?”
4. As a class or individually, ask students to come up with a list of questions that would elicit these responses. Then have students do a class survey, walking around the room asking the questions to classmates.
Example: For the verb jouer, your students could ask the question “Qu’est-ce que tu fais?” Then the response would be the statement that they have written on their sheets, such as “Je fais du vélo.” You can extend the learning by adding more questions using pourquoi, such as “Pourquoi est-ce que tu fais du vélo?”
Love this French summer activity? You can also find similar season-themed freebies for spring, fall, and winter!
I hope this French summer activity saves you a bit of time and comes in handy! 🙂
Check out this post for some ideas for recharging over summer break.
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