Looking for new songs in French to play with your secondary French classes? Look no further! I’ve got a new list of French songs I love that I hope your students will love, too!
T’es partie – GIMS
I absolutely love his music, but this song is one of my favorites! The melody is beautiful (as is his voice) but it’s also full of pronouns, so if you’re teaching that, it’s a really great way to see them in context! I can’t find a video, and I want to link directly to his channel, but you can find the song here and print the lyrics off. Make a cloze activity or grab other ideas for using songs in French to help you teach vocab and verbs!
Ensemble on est mieux – Jamboree
This group of young Scouts from France got together to form a music group, and they sing about the Scouting values including sharing, working together, respecting nature, being authentic. This song is great because it will help you put verb tenses in context through its use of the present, passé composé, and imparfait. It’s also filled with new vocabulary and positive messages.
Flowers – Sara’h
I love using her music with students, because she makes versions of so many songs in French students that will be familiar with. This song is no exception! The original version by Miley Cyrus won so many awards this year, so students are sure to know it. Also, it’s another one where students can see French pronouns in context, so that’s a definite win!
Tu es si grand et je suis toute petite – Joyce Jonathan
I love this French song, so I’m pretty much including it just because I thought you might also love it! For teaching purposes, this one has quite a bit of passé composé in it, so it’s a great review for your more advanced classes who have learned it a while back and need a little practice to fix some little errors they’re making.
La fée – Zaz
This song has been around a while, but from the very first time I played it, it was a favorite of my classes! It’s worth using if you haven’t – or getting back to it if it’s one you forgot all about! I like using songs in French to review past participle agreement, and there are quite a few to practice in this song.
Akwaba – Magic System Feat Yemi Alade & Mohamed Ramadan
Kids absolutely love their music! I’ve been playing Magic in the Air for years because it is literally the number one French song request by beginners! This video is fantastic, because students can discover some of the beautiful diversity of the French-speaking world with this video filmed in the la Côte d’Ivoire ! They’ll see people, clothing, dancing, landscapes, cities, food, and of course, a little bit of le football! Also, for an added bonus : it was the winner of Manie Musicale 2024, so it is definitely student approved! If you aren’t participating in Manie Musicale, I cannot recommend it enough for finding songs in French and having fun with your classes!
Facile à danser – Soprano
Want to continue your exploration of the Ivory Coast? Check out this new French song from Soprano! I’ve included him on the list because he’s a class favorite every year, and I think this one is also going to be a hit with your French students! Plus, you’ll get to explore more African culture and discovery the beauty of the Ivory Coast as they dance across the city and the beach.
J’peux pas – Louane
I like this a lot! It’s great for students to listen to songs in French so they hear how words are pronounced in contrast to how they’re written. So much of the difficulty in learning French comes from the dropped sounds, and this is a great song to point out a few of those.
Comment on fait – Vianney et Zazie
Years ago, I had some students who always asked me to play Zazie in class, so I was super-excited to see this collaboration! I love this song, because gives hope for moments when life isn’t going as planned. Using songs in French is a fantastic set-up for a writing prompt for your more advanced classes, and tI think this one would be great!
I hope you found some new songs in French to play with your middle school and high school students!
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