Want a fun French verb conjugation practice activity that will save you a bunch of time? Oui ? How about paperless French task cards? These are an amazing way to practice French vocabulary, verbs, and listening comprehension. Keep reading to learn about my favorite French verb conjugation practice!
Have you heard of Boom Cards™? These digital French task cards are :
– paperless, making prep time just that much easier.
– self-checking, so students get feedback right away.
– playable on any device with a modern browser.
– digital, so your tech-loving students will love using them!
*You will need an internet connection to play the cards.
Why do I love French verb conjugation with Boom Cards?
Students can practice the same paper-pencil tasks as they would on a worksheet, but they are so much more engaging! My son struggles with hand-written work, but he’ll practice his French verbs with Boom cards anytime!
They’re perfect for practicing French verb conjugation, because students get instant feedback so they don’t continue to make the same mistakes. It’s a perfect test review, homework activity, or whole-class activity on your interactive whiteboard.
These are also perfect for distance learning with the upgraded membership, because you can get student reports. Even without the paid membership, you can still assign decks to students for home practice by using the Fast Play method. You would assign students a link to access the cards for practice, but you would not get scores.
What French verb conjugation cards do I have?
If you teach beginning French, there’s a BIG bundle of beginner French verb conjugation practice activities at my Boom Learning℠ store. All decks contain at least 20 cards and the questions are either multiple choice short answer questions. The sets are all available individually, but there is a discount for buying the bundle.
Here are just a few of the French verb conjugation sets you’ll find in the bundle:
–French ER verbs
–French IR verbs
–French RE verbs
–Avoir & être
— Aller conjugations
–Faire conjugations
There are currently 18 sets of French verb conjugation activities for beginners!
Here’s what teachers have to say about French Boom Cards:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I use this as my go to for students who need some extra time on verb conjugations. They love the gaming part (even though they are high school kids!) and that they can pull it out and do it whenever. I even find my other students will ask for it if they feel they need a little extra practice.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This resource was AMAZING for distance learning. A much more engaging way for my students to practice their verb conjugations. Merci!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I have purchased so many of these BOOM cards sets because my students never get tired of them! They are thorough in scope and offer a nice alternative to a pencil-and-paper worksheet.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I LOVE them and my students do as well! Boom Cards are awesome, and I am so thankful I don’t have to spend that much time on grammar anymore.”
Want to try out a free set first? Grab this deck for using avoir and être in the passé composé and see what you think!
Click here to try this French verb conjugation deck for free!
French task cards are already fun, and Boom Cards are a great way to take the engagement to the next level. If you’re looking for a way to make French verb conjugation much more engaging, you’ll really want to check these out! Learn more about French Boom Cards here.
Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below! 🙂
*Boom Learning and Boom Cards are the trademarks of Boom Learning Inc. Used with permission.
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