Teaching French question words is such an important part of any beginning French course, but a lot of beginners find it really complicated at first. With the right materials, teaching French question words can be fun, and it doesn’t have to feel so difficult! Here is how I recommend teaching the French question words. Here […]
5 Helpful Tips for Teaching Writing in French
I love to teach writing in French class, but that doesn’t mean all kids love to write. Some kids write very quickly and fluently while others struggle to write anything. There are students who can write a lot, but every other word is wrong, and then there are those who write less but make few […]
Fun French Valentine’s Day Activities for Core & Immersion
Want to celebrate Valentine’s Day in your French class with some fun and engaging activities? Here’s a peek at some of my favorite activities that you can use in your FSL, Core French, or French immersion class. Whether you want a complete French Valentine’s Day bundle, a packet of writing activities, or set of speaking cards, […]
How to Use Exit Tickets in French Class
Do you need an easy way to formatively assess your French students’ understanding of a lesson? Try exit tickets! They are a quick way to see just what your students understood from your lesson. They are called exit tickets because you pass them out at the end of class and collect them as students head […]
When Your Principal Doesn’t Understand
Foreign language teachers : Do you have a principal that just doesn’t understand you? Are you frustrated with unfair scheduling, teacher evaluations that favor certain subjects, or teaching requirements that are impossible to meet? Read on! I have a lot of teacher friends, and when we talk about difficulties we have had as teachers, a […]
5 Effective and Easy Ideas for Teaching Boys
Teaching boys and girls together can be tricky. It has been thoroughly researched and proven many times that boys and girls do, in general, have some distinct learning differences. As all students have their own distinct learning styles, the needs of boys and girls can be quite different. When I wanted to know how to […]
6 fun French Christmas Activities for Core and Immersion
Looking for fun French Christmas activities to do with your students before winter break? When Christmas-time rolls around, it’s always fun to have a lot of activities to teach seasonal vocabulary. When I taught FSL in a high school, I had four levels of French to teach, which meant I wanted materials I could […]
7 Easy French Club Activities Students Love!
Want to start an after school French club at your school? Need some French club activities for your existing club? Taking on any new task can be daunting, but it’s not as hard as you think! As with any new venture, you’ll most likely need to run it by your administrator first, so before you […]
Free French Fall Resources for Core and Immersion
FREE French fall resources! Fall is here! Cooler days, falling leaves, homecoming, and Halloween are amazing, but shorter days and lots of activities can make for tired teachers. Having fun French fall resources for your class can help save you some time and energy. Below you’ll find some French freebies that I hope your students will […]
7 Great French Songs for Secondary Students
It’s la rentrée so I thought it might be time to share more of my favorite French songs! Starting back to school is exciting, because it’s a fresh start, but it’s also really challenging, because it means starting all over again. Having new French students in your class means teaching classroom expectations, learning names, creating […]