It’s no secret that I love using music in French class as a way to help students see vocabulary and verbs in context. These songs with French ER verbs are perfect for a variety of levels, because some contain more-advanced structures and vocabulary while others are pretty repetitive with only common verbs used throughout.
Just as with all videos, please watch them before you play them in class! I only share things I feel are appropriate, but only you know the needs of your classroom.
Want ideas for using these songs with French ER verbs in your classroom? Find my favorite ways to use music in the French classroom here.
Keep reading to find songs with French ER verbs for your classroom!
On va Yeke – Black M
This song has got quite a few French ER verbs in it, but I think it’s also a great song to add to your playlist to help students understand and appreciate the diversity of the Francophone world. In this video, he pays respects to the famous song “Yeke Yeke” by Mory Kanté. It’s upbeat and fun, and I think students will really like it, so even if it’s on my list of songs with French ER verbs, I’d play it with any group.
Le meme sang – Yannick Noah
This French song has SO many ER verbs! Also, I just love his songs and the message of this one is really important, so it’s worth listening to with any level, even if they have already mastered ER verbs. I’ve never had a class who didn’t love his music, so it’s a great addition to your playlist even if it’s just for listening while working.
Les choses qu’on fait – Vitaa
This French song has quite a few present tense ER verbs, but you’ll find a good mix of common irregular verbs, too. Her songs are always so popular with students, so it’s sure to be one that some of your students will like. You’ll find verbs that will be less commonly seen in beginning classes like traverser, hésiter, avouer, and déchirer, so it’s not one to use with French 1! You could print off the lyrics and have your French 2 or 3 students try to find the French ER verbs before you listen. It’s a great way to build vocabulary in a meaningful way!
On s’aime – Superbus
This is on the list of songs with French ER verbs because it is filled with them! This fast-paced song includes a lot of verbs that students will recognize. It’s a good one to listen to with beginners who are just learning ER verb conjugations and vocabulary, because it’s repetitive and includes some basic verbs they’ll already know but also will expose them to some other common verbs that they probably won’t learn in a French ER verbs unit.
Où sera le monde – Marc Dupré
I know the title of this one is in the futur simple, but there are a quite a few present tense ER verbs in this! This song would be great for more advanced classes who know the basic French ER verbs but would benefit from seeing a variety of verbs in context. They’ll see them conjugated, as infinitives with the futur proche, in the imperative, and even as reflexive verbs. Because ER verbs are so important in the French language, it doesn’t hurt to come back to them even with our more advanced classes, right?
I hope you found some new songs with French ER verbs you can play in class!
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